Home Page

Kundalini Shakti is the living divine inner presence that illuminates every human heart and soul. It is the Holy Spirit within that inspires and guides you to full spiritual realization.

A Kundalini rising is a blessed responsibility that initiates and promotes your spiritual development. With skillful loving support, a healthy spiritual lifestyle, focused individual guidance, and the correct safe, gentle practices, you can improve your process. Then you can enjoy increased peace and clarity and eventually have true spiritual realization. That is the divine design of the human being and the very purpose of life. PKYC is dedicated to assisting qualified aspirants to succeed in this sacred effort.

PKYC is for sincere spiritual seekers of all paths.
It provides customized spiritual practices designed specifically for you.
Its 500 year tradition specializes in efficiently improving spiritual life.



The Five Steps of PKYC Services – click here

PKYC-USA no longer offers retreats. This website will remain as an educational resource. For support, see our list of therapists, counselors, and organizations familiar with Kundalini process by going to the Contact tab drop down menu and clicking on Links for Spiritual Psychotherapy and Counseling.

ACTIVE CONSULTEES (those who have completed a PKYC retreat) can check for new broadcasts by clicking “Inner Chamber” on the Home tab above and using the password. Inquiries can be addressed to kundalini@kundalinicare.com

Visit www.kundalini-science.ch, or
Email Silvia Viryanand at bharatPKYC@yahoo.in


Perspectives on Global Events -click here

Perspectives on National Events – click here

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